Friday, February 5, 2010

Field Notes 2

This is a Relief line that was meant for Mexican Americans to stand there and wait for a chance to step into the office where they would give them jobs in San Antonio, Texas in 1930 since so many people were jobless.

These Mexican Americans were on the side of a building in San Antonio, Texas also in 1930. They were waiting there so hopefully someone would come by and help them in some way, shape, or form since no one could find jobs.

These were a group of Mexicans picking cotton down in Imperial Valley, California in 1933. They took these jobs because there were so little jobs that they took whatever they could no matter how hard or unfair the jobs were.

This group of Mexicans could find no work so they put up signs asking for people food or a job if they could find one. This was also in Imperial Valley, California in 1933.

These people were so desperate for work that they would go out into fields and pick crops and whatever else they could get for $1.75 a day. Imperial Valley, California 1933.

This family was moving from Texas to Wyoming looking for a job in 1934. The jobs in Texas were taken up or out and so they had no other choice but to move by loading up everything in their truck and hitting they highway.

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